Success stories

Management Support

Masterplan Study


A client has a large site, utilized approximately at 30% of its surface.
As there are manufacturing expansion plans, he would like to know the best usage of his land in the coming years.

δelta Projects started by evaluating the future requirements in term of new products, capacity, and storage increase.

Few scenarios were presented, each of them accompanied by a list of economical, operational, and timely aspects.
The choice could make an informed decision and the future CAPEX will be based on a strong and clear plan.

Management Support

Operation Strategy – Factory and Warehouse acquisition


A client was running out of manufacturing capacity and contacted δelta Projects to advise and evaluate different operational options: invest inhouse or proceed with an external acquisition.

After an analysis of the client’s global operations (4 warehouses and 2 manufacturing plants and a complex products portfolio), that considered all aspects: storage, logistic, investments, resources etc. across some possible scenarios, the client was able to take an informed decision.

Management Support

Due Diligence Vegetable Business


An investment Fund intend to acquire a Food Operation that was investing in a new plant.

δelta Projects was requested to run a due diligence and started by evaluating the actual operations vs the new planned one and comparing the actual operational cost vs the projected one and the projected CAPEX.
The analysis allowed to identify some important discrepancy, which allowed the client to improve his financial calculations.


Energy Saving


With the increased gas price any energy saving is welcome.
A client with multiple plant operations contacted δelta Projects to identify any possible source of energy waste and study a possible recuperation.

The factories are equipped with large thermal and refrigeration plants.
The condensers are a way to dissipate the superheated thermal energy from the compressors in the atmosphere and the fumes from fryers are exhausted on the roof.

We proposed to install a double cascade of Heat Exchangers to pre-heat with the superheated hot gas and then heat with the exhausted fumes a hot water tank for ambient cleaning.


Water Savings


A client decided to upgrade and update his Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) by adding a sludge thickening system.

Before approving the investment, they contacted δelta Projects to evaluate if there were further potentials from such installation.

δelta Projects suggested to add a skid mounted Reverse Osmosis to be able to reuse part of the water after sludge separation.
The water after RO has a sufficient quality to be used for cleaning or cooling towers.
This installation supported the client’s continuous effort to increase water savings.


Water Savings – Retort installation


A client had a retort sterilization process using an important quantity of water as the cooling circuit was a single pass.

δelta Projects was requested to propose a solution and suggested to replace the single pass with a double cooling circuit connected to a close circuit cooling tower.

The cooling towers are designed to run dry in winter generating important water savings.

Design & Execution

Packing Line on 2 levels


After a productivity analysis we informed a client that his line most expensive component, an ammonia refrigerated spiral freezer, was running below 50% of its maximal capacity.
The bottleneck was the packing line.

There was no space to install a larger packing line, δelta Projects proposed to build a mezzanine and use the building height.
The product has been collected directly at the freezer exit, flow wrapped on top of the mezzanine (considered an extension of the hygienic area), then lowered below to be packaged in cartons first and finally in shipping cases.

Design & Execution

Dairy Liquid Plant Automation


The Challenge
A client had a high flexible, large capacity, dairy plant.
The flexibility was achieved via multiple manual connections.
Those represented a hazard: manual error, leaking gaskets, open circuits after cleaning.
The client decided to keep the flexibility while increasing automation, safety, and repeatability.

δelta Projects was mandated to redesign the plant to a full automation level.

After a detailed study and analysis of the actual plant functions and process needs, δelta Projects designed a new process flow.
A mix of seat, double seat and butterfly valves has been utilized.

Design & Execution

Spray Dryer – Cleaning time reduction


A client needed to reduce the cleaning time on his 2 spray dryers.
Those were fed by 3 liquid lines, the client intended to purchase and install a 4th liquid train however, this resulted into a costly solution and there was no available space in the plant, forcing to start lengthy and costly civil works.

δelta Projects analyzed the causes of the cleaning time.
The 3 main reasons were identified in the number of manual actions by the operator, the length of the circuits and the long time to clean the pasteurizer heat exchanger.

We proposed to modify the circuits length, add automatic valves manifolds to eliminate manual intervention in the cleaning operations and add a heat exchanger allowing to CIP in masked time.

Design & Execution

Dry blending and Filling line


A client intended to install two new filling lines for his, dairy based powder product.
Few challenges opposed this project:

  • Be able to install without and interruption of the ongoing operations.
  • Be able to operate the new and the old filling lines simultaneously until certification.
  • Build the new blending and filling lines within the existing premises to accelerate the project by avoiding important and costly civil works.
  • Reduce the cleaning time.
After evaluation, δelta Projects proposed to use an existing space inside the warehouse and reorganize it to minimize pallet storage loss.

The process was redesigned to eliminate/reduce some weakness of the existing one and the new line was designed to allowing to divert and receive the cans from/to the existing lines, minimizing investment and timing.

The project foreseen equipment from leading European suppliers and demanded a high level of hygienic engineering design.

Design & Execution

Frying and Freezing line improvement


A client was facing a major challenge to improve a line performance to reach the design production rate on a pre-fried and frozen products line.

δelta Projects proposed to redesign the line (layout and utilities) and re-install it.
After the modifications, the line started at full capacity in few days.

Design & Execution

Packing Line modification


A client had an important product running on a filling and packing line that went through number of modification and upgrade over the years.
They requested to increase the line output with a minimum manufacturing interruption.

After analysis, δelta Projects identified some opportunities:
The filling and packing operation were on 2 floors, the product was going 3 times up and down before being finally packed and palletized.
This transport was the main source of inefficiencies.
We proposed to replace the 2 most obsolete machines and locate them on a different floor, significantly changing the process flow.

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